Sunday, March 22, 2009

!!!Movie Time!!!

I finally have the chance to watch a movie that was in my must-watch-movies-or-you're-n-arse-for-not-watching-it list for quite some time now.

What's it called?
Seven Pounds.

Who's the main character?
Will Smith.

What is it about?
Will Smith's character helps out seven different strangers with a secret of his own.

How was it?
It's kinda long and very slow... could have cut out a few scenes. But still, it's nice :D

Did you get the plot/storyline?
I kinda knew it was coming, but still cried my eyes out for more than 30 minutes as the movie heads for the ending. Yes i cry in movies now... :P

Would you watch it again?
Maybe.. :)

  • If you're new to Hollywood movies, you'll think the movie is boring or for others, it might be interesting.
  • If you're a FAN of Hollywood movies, you'll know what's going to come and what the ending will be like.
  • If you're pretty much a-know-it-all in Hollywood movies, i suggest u just watch it for their performances. IT IS GOOD. :)

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